39 research outputs found

    Parentalidad adoptiva y problemas de conducta infantil

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    Traditionally, research in the context of the adoption has tried to answer two main research questions. The first question is whether adopted children have more problems than non-adopted children and the second is whether adopted children get recover from adversity experienced before being adopted. In the literature on adoption there are evidences that have been responding to these questions. Recent research on adoption, in addition to the above issues, address the issue referred to the processes and factors operating in the psychological adjustment of children adopted. With the intention of responding to these ultimate questions this research is designed, which focuses on the analysis of the psychological characteristics of parents and the processes of relationship between parents and children. Specifically parents are analysed in attachment related aspects, sensitivity, reflective functioning and parental stress. These issues are discussed in the context of the family adoption and its relationship with behavioural problems in children. The sample amounted to a total of 98 Spanish families, 40 adoptive families and 58 non adoptive families. The multiple linear regression revealed that when parents had a personal history of low maternal and paternal overprotection and high affection by the figure of the mother in childhood and adolescence, a positive parental reflective function under parental stress and high quality in the interaction between mothers and children, the behavioural adjustment difficulties decreased. Deepening on the dynamics and functioning that occurs inside adoptive families will improve designs for future lines of action in this context.Tradicionalmente, la investigación en el contexto de la adopción ha tratado de dar respuesta a dos preguntas principales de investigación. La primera pregunta es si los niños adoptados presentan más problemas que los niños no adoptados y la segunda es si los niños se recuperan de la adversidad experimentada antes de ser adoptados. En la literatura sobre adopción existen evidencias que han ido dando respuesta a estos interrogantes. Investigaciones más recientes en adopción abordan, además de las cuestiones anteriores, la cuestión referida a los procesos y factores que operan en el ajuste psicológico de los niños adoptados. Con la intención de dar respuesta a estas últimas cuestiones se ha diseñado la presente investigación, que se centra en el análisis de las características psicológicas de los padres y madres y los procesos de relación entre padres e hijos. En concreto se analizan en los padres aspectos relacionados con el apego, con la sensibilidad, la función reflexiva y el estrés parentales. Estos temas se analizan en el contexto familiar de la adopción, así como su relación con los problemas de conducta en los menores. La muestra ascendió a un total de 98 familias españolas, 40 familias de adopción internacional y 58 familias no adoptivas. El análisis de regresión lineal múltiple reveló que cuando los padres y madres presentaban una historia personal de baja sobreprotección materna y paterna y alto afecto por parte de la figura de la madre en la infancia y la adolescencia, una función reflexiva parental positiva, bajo estrés parental y alta calidad en la interacción entre madres e hijos, las dificultades de adaptación conductual disminuyeron. Profundizar en la dinámica y el funcionamiento que se da en el interior de las familias adoptivas permitirá mejorar los diseños de futuras líneas de intervención en este contexto

    Tipologías de familias adoptivas y seguridad en las conductas de apego infantil

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    In order to analyze the family characteristics that favor the positive development of adopted children, relationships between different family dimensions (adult attachment, reflexive function, stress and interactions) have been studied, trying to identify family typologies based on these characteristics Family members. Delving into all these issues in the “natural” context of adoption allows for a unique environment to address the effect of environmental variables before and after adoption. From this perspective, adoption is presented as a very valuable research context to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of families and child psychological adjustment. In this direction the objective of the present investigation is to develop a predictive model for the security in the attachment behaviors of the minors from different typologies of families and sociodemographic variables. The sample was formed by 98 Spanish families, 40 adoptive families and 58 non-adoptive families. The results showed that a positive view of the affective experience of the child was strongly related to a greater safety in the attachment behaviors of the children and that high levels of stress in the raising of the children was negatively associated with the security in the children. Attachment behaviors of minors. Conglomerate analysis showed that when fathers and mothers belonged to the second family typology, safety in children’s attachment behaviors increased. Future lines of research should continue to deepen the relationships established between parental reflexive function, parental stress and child attachment (behavioral and representational level).Con la finalidad de analizar las características familiares que favorecen el desarrollo positivo de los niños adoptados, se han estudiado las relaciones entre distintas dimensiones familiares (apego adulto, función reflexiva, estrés e interacciones), tratando de identificar tipologías de familias a partir de dichas características familiares. Profundizar en todas estas cuestiones en el contexto “natural” de la adopción permite contar con un entorno único para abordar el efecto de las variables ambientales antes y después de la adopción. Desde esta perspectiva, la adopción se presenta como un contexto de investigación muy valioso para analizar la relación entre las características de las familias y el ajuste psicológico infantil. En esta dirección se encuentra el objetivo de la presente investigación, que consiste en desarrollar un modelo predictivo para la seguridad en las conductas de apego de los menores a partir de distintas tipologías de familias y de variables sociodemográficas. La muestra estuvo formada por 98 familias españolas, 40 familias adoptivas y 58 familias no adoptivas. El análisis de conglomerados mostró que cuando los padres y madres pertenecían a la segunda tipología de familia, la seguridad en las conductas de apego de los niños aumentaba. Futuras líneas de investigación deberían seguir profundizando en las relaciones que se establecen entre la función reflexiva parental, el estrés parental y el apego infantil (plano conductual y representacional)

    Assessment of the Family Context in Adolescence: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Bearing in mind that the characteristics of the family system have a significant influence on the positive development of adolescents and considering that there are different measuring instruments, the main objective of this work is to review studies on the instruments for evaluating the family context, to determine which instruments are validated or adapted by researchers between 2010 and 2020 and which variables in the family context are valued during the adolescent stage. Methods: The academic search engines consulted have been Scopus, Redalyc and Web of Science. Following the criteria contemplated in the PRISMA Declaration, once duplicates were eliminated, a total of 101 studies were identified. A critical reading of the titles, summaries and a large part of the complete articles was carried out, and 56 studies were excluded. Finally, a systematic review of 45 studies that contrasted the psychometric properties of self-report measures (questionnaires, inventories, scales), between original papers and adaptations was carried out. Results: The results obtained reveal that the instruments measure different aspects of the family system: the family dynamics (variables such as parental competence, resilience, social support, parenting style and practices of leisure and free time); family functioning (variables such as problem solving, communication, roles, affective response capacity, affective participation, behavior control, cohesion, adaptability and family satisfaction); family adjustment (variables referring to parental stress, parental conflict, family health and family protection; and the parent–child relationships (variables such as quality, family effectiveness, family atmosphere and attachment). Conclusions: The most used psychological tests are: Parental Bonding Instrument, Family Assessment Resources, Social Support Scale, Parental Stress Index and Scale of Adaptation, Participation, Gain, Affection and Resources. Parental Bonding Instrument shows excellent psychometric properties. The rest of the self-report measures present acceptable reliability indices. The psychometric properties of some Family Assessment Resources, Social Systems Assessment Scale and Protective Factors Survey scales are more questionable, so new validation studies of these instruments are required. Affect (quality of relationships, manifestation, attachment bond), communication between members of the family group and parental control (behavioral and psychological) have been the main dimensions of the family context studied in adolescence. Along with these variables, others have been incorporated, such as parental resilience, family leisure and free time routines, family health or family strengths and weaknesses. The related instruments used in different psychological and cultural environments may help us to better understand the educational and parenting practices based on family dynamics, functioning, adjustment and parent–child relationships

    Actitudes hacia la discapacidad auditiva: temáticas analizadas

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    Lasactitudesson constructos queseaprenden através delasexperiencias quevivimos. Pueden ser positivas o negativas, por lo que se hace necesario sensibilizar a la sociedad para consolidar, reforzar o transformar las actitudes preconcebidas. Con este escenario, el estudio tiene por objeto analizar y revisar la producción científica en materia de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad auditiva para extraer las temáticas ya analizadas y, de esta forma, conocer el estado actual del tópico y los avances realizados sobre el mismo. Ante este propósito, se presenta un estudio ex post facto retrospectivo, con un análisis bibliométrico y temático. La muestra para el análisis estadístico ha sido recabada de las contribuciones publicadas en la base de datos Web of Science, conformando 399 publicaciones extraídas del periodo comprendido entre 2013 a 2022. Respecto a los resultados, predominan los artículos de revista, con el inglés como idioma de preferencia y han sido publicados en su mayoría en Estados Unidos. Según el análisis temático, se han podido extraer de los artículos analizados diferentes temáticas propias de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad auditiva, de entre ellas se podrían destacar el uso de prácticas colaborativas, las redes sociales, las amistades y la autodeterminación, la autonomía cognitiva y el apoyo social, entre otras. En conclusión, son muchos los avances que se han realizado acerca de las actitudes de la sociedad hacia la discapacidad auditiva, por lo que detectar estos progresos facilitan nuevas líneas de investigación para poder continuar ampliando la literatura científica

    Parental Educational Practices and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Positive Affect and Agreeableness in Adolescents

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    Introduction: Researchers have investigated the external elements that can condition a person’s satisfaction with life, although it has been proven that they do not explain a large part of the phenomenon. For this reason, other variables such as perceived competence, personality styles and personal autonomy are being investigated more successfully. The main objective of this paper is to study the influence of parental educational practices on adolescent life satisfaction considering the role played by adolescent’s positive affect and the agreeableness personality trait by implementing a statistical Mediation Model that explains such relationship. Methods: The population sample is a total of 742 Spanish adolescents, of which 45.1% were boys and 51.5% were girls. The age ranged between 13 and 19 years (15.63, SD = 1.24). Results: The results revealed that the relationship between parental educational practices and life satisfaction in adolescence was mediated by positive affect and the personality trait of agreeableness. Both variables did act as serial mediators in this relationship. On the other hand, the serial multiple mediation structural model explained 31.72% of the variability in life satisfaction for the dimension of affection and communication and promotion of autonomy, 29.70% for the psychological control dimension, 26.58% for selfdisclosure and 28.21% for the humor dimension of parental educational practices. Conclusion: These findings have important implications to understand the relationship between parental educational practices and the adolescent life satisfaction, indicating that different parental educational practices will have a positive or negative effect on adolescent positive affect, which will lead to increased or decreased agreeableness influencing the adolescent life satisfaction


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    A investigação atual considera importante avaliar o estado emocional e as diferentes fontes de stress em alunos. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre quatro fontes de estresse do aluno (Interações com o professor, Estresse acadêmico, Interações com pares e Autoconceito acadêmico) e as atribuições causais que ocorrem diante do sucesso e do fracasso acadêmico (capacidade, esforço e causas externas). Foi utilizada uma amostra de 753 escolares espanhóis (49,9% do sexo masculino) com idades entre 8 e 11 anos (M = 9,6; DP = 1,11). A School Situations Interview e a Sydney Attribution Scale foram utilizadas para a coleta de dados. Os coeficientes de correlação e a regressão logística mostram a relação e a capacidade preditiva das experiências de estresse nas atribuições causais apresentadas por escolares espanhóis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Perceived Stress in Nursing Professionals

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    Background: Nursing professionals face a variety of stressful situations daily, where the patients’ own stresses and the demands of their family members are the most important sources of such stress. Methods: The main objectives pursued were to describe the relationships of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence with perceived stress in a sample of nursing professionals. We also developed predictive models for each of the components of perceived stress based on the dimensions of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy, for the total sample, as well as samples differentiated by sex. This study sample consisted of 1777 nurses and was conducted using multiple scales: the perceived stress questionnaire, general self-efficacy scale, and the brief emotional intelligence survey for senior citizens. Results: The variables stress management, mood, adaptability, intrapersonal skills, and self-efficacy explained 22.7% of the variance in the harassment–social component, while these same variables explained 28.9% of the variance in the irritability–tension–fatigue dimension. The variables mood, stress management, self-efficacy, intrapersonal, and interpersonal explained 38.6% of the variance in the energy–joy component, of which the last variable offers the most explanatory capacity. Finally, the variables stress management, mood, interpersonal, self-efficacy and intrapersonal skills explained 27.2% of the variance in the fear–anxiety dimension. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that one way to reduce stress in professionals would be to help them improve their emotional intelligence in programs (tailored to consider particularities of either sex) within the framework of nursing, enabling them to develop and acquire more effective stress coping strategies, which would alleviate distress and increase the wellbeing of health professionals

    Sleep Quality and the Mediating Role of Stress Management on Eating by Nursing Personnel

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    Background: The work schedule of nursing personnel often involves double or continuous shifts and sources of stress derived from the work context, making it necessary to ensure their rest and eating habits contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The objective of this study was to analyze the mediating role of stress management on the effect that sleep quality has on uncontrolled and emotional eating by nursing professionals. The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18 was applied to measure uncontrolled and emotional eating, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index as a measure of sleep quality, and the EQ-i-20M for the stress management component of emotional intelligence. (2) Methods: A sample of 1073 nurses aged 22 to 57 years was selected for this purpose. (3) Results: The main result of this study was that stress management was a mediator in the effect of sleep quality on uncontrolled and emotional eating. Furthermore, low scores for sleeping problems correlated with high scores for stress management. The results also revealed a strong negative association between stress management and uncontrolled and emotional eating. (4) Conclusions: The results are discussed from the perspective of promoting health at work as well as improving the psychosocial wellbeing of nursing professionals and increasing the quality of patient care

    Self-Expressive Creativity in the Adolescent Digital Domain: Personality, Self-Esteem, and Emotions

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    Background: Although self-expressive creativity is related to cyberbullying, it can also reinforce strengths that contribute to positive adolescent development. Our study concentrated on the relationships between personality traits and self-expressive creativity in the digital domain in an adolescent population. For this, we analyzed the effect of self-esteem and emotional intelligence as assets for positive development related to personality traits and self-expressive creativity. Methods: The study population included a total of 742 adolescents that were high-school students in the province of Almería, Spain. The following instruments were used: Big Five Inventory (BFI) to evaluate the five broad personality factors, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), Expression, Management, and Emotion Recognition Evaluation Scale (TMMS-24), and the Creative Behavior Questionnaire: Digital (CBQD). Results: The cluster analysis revealed the existence of two profiles of adolescents based on their personality traits. The analysis showed that the group with the highest levels of extraversion and openness to experience and lowest levels of neuroticism were those who showed the highest scores in self-esteem, clarity, and emotional repair, as well as in self-expressive creativity. Higher scores in neuroticism and lower scores in extraversion and openness to experience showed a direct negative effect on self-expressive creativity and indirect effect through self-esteem and emotional attention, which acted as mediators in series. Conclusions: To counteract certain characteristics that increase adolescents’ vulnerability to social network bullying, a plan must be developed for adequate positive use of the Internet from a creative model that enables digital self-expression for acquiring identity and self-efficacy through the positive influence of peers, which promotes feelings of empowerment and self-affirmation through constructive tasks that reinforce self-esteem and emotional intelligence